Currently, on the farm

caribou russet potato

caribou russet potato

“Storage Vegetables”

Winter is a time for hunkering down with roasted foods and hearty soups made from humble vegetables like potatoes, beets, garlic, etc. Nothing fancy, but filling and nutritious. When the ingredients are locally grown you know they are the healthiest for you and best quality too.


Tiny packets of nutrient power and flavor, microgreens are plant shoots just out of the germination stage. A handfull of “micros” adds a punch of flavor and nutrition to anything you throw them on. Our favorite is pea shoots on mashed potatoes or squash (with lots of butter, of course).


salad mix microgreens

mixed succulent garden

mixed succulent garden


Feeding the body is all well and good. You need to feed your soul as well - this dark time of year especially. To that end we always keep a few choice houseplants in stock to keep your psyche on an even keel until spring comes again.